Hello everyone, my name is Brixton Johansson – a ping pong lover! I started playing this sport since I was 7 when my father bought a ping pong set for me as a birthday present. Till then, I played it any free time and still keep this habit until now. As you can see, ping pong is one of the most popular sports to play in your free time. The equipment required for this game is minimal, and it can be enjoyed at all ages which increases its popularity. But in fact, there are not too many people really know professional knowledge of this exciting sport. Knowing this situation, I always desire to share whatever I know about it and bring ping pong to any child, any person. So, this website is the first step to make my dream come true! I hope all of you enjoy it!
If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints, or feedback of any kind, do not hesitate to contact us here or visit me on Twitter or Linkedin today.
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